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HIPAA Myth vs. Fact – What you should know about HIPAA

May 06, 2014

Matt Fisher with Mirick O’Connell’s Health Law Group posts articles on health law on his online blog: The Pulse. In his recent two articles, Matt clarifies common HIPAA myths clarified and detailed below:

  1. HIPAA allows medical providers to...


The Resulting Challenges of Changes to Physician Training

April 24, 2014

In the NEJM article “Graded Autonomy in Medical Education – Managing Things That Go Bump in the Night” (March 20, 2014) Scott Halpern discusses the importance for physician trainee autonomy. Physician training over the years has offered...


MedScape’s Physician Compensation Report for 2014

April 17, 2014

MedScape released its annual compensation report that included feedback from over 24,000 physicians in 25 specialties. Below is a summary of some of the report’s findings:

  • Orthopedists, then Cardiologists, are top earners
  • Possible Early...