Experienced Claims Professionals Are a Dedicated Resource and Advocate for our Insureds

Our Proactive Claims Approach to Get You Back to Practicing Medicine

MedMal Direct’s experienced claims professionals work directly with you on any claim or legal matter related to your practice which is covered under your Healthcare Professional Liability policy. When you report a claim, or should you receive a notice of a lawsuit or any governmental action against you, our experienced claims professionals will return your inquiry promptly and work with you to better understand all facets of the matter, obtain all the necessary facts, and set out a concise plan of action.

In the case of a lawsuit, we will set out a defense plan and arrange to retain experienced, trial-ready malpractice defense counsel from your area to defend you and the case.

Our proactive claims approach by our experienced claims professionals is to work closely with you throughout the claim investigation and when a lawsuit is involved, to engage the finest defense counsel to aggressively protect your interests. By working closely with you and defense counsel as a team, we can effectively anticipate and resolve most key claim and litigation issues by using sound strategies to obtain the best possible case outcome.