How to Streamline Your Practice
January 18, 2015
In the Medical Economics article published 1/7/2015, Elizabeth Woodcock summarizes how to improve the efficiency and in turn the success of your practice by presenting some “dos” and “don’ts” for the front office, mid-office and back office.
Front Office
- Recruit well
- Provide adequate resources (workspace and technology)
- Develop checklists for employees
- Good Communication
- Develop checklist for patients
- Take time to effectively Train and Educate your team for better accuracy
- Make a good First impression – Greet patients and communicate status and items needed for visit
- Preview patient’s charts prior to visit, ideally a day before visit
- Morning Meetings for updates and preparation for the day’s schedule
- Develop Standard Intake Process
- Standardize Exam rooms
- Create a Flow Station for easy communication
Back Office
- Leverage Technology to automate manual processes
- Monitor Billing Metrics
- Update Work Processes to handle ACA Requirements
- Set Expectations and Regularly Give Feedback
View the entire article at Medical Economics: